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What are Toric Contact Lenses?

What are Toric Contact Lenses?

Contact lenses offer a convenient solution for vision correction, with toric contact lenses playing a vital role for those with specific visual needs. In this article, we explore what toric contact lenses are and their importance for individuals with astigmatism.

Understanding Astigmatism

Understanding Astigmatism

Astigmatism is a common vision condition where the cornea has an irregular, curved shape, akin to a football, rather than being perfectly round. This irregularity causes light to distribute unevenly through the cornea onto the retina, leading to blurry vision. Astigmatism can be categorized into two types: regular astigmatism, where the cornea curves more in one direction, and irregular astigmatism, characterized by an uneven corneal curvature.

What are Toric Contact Lenses?

What are Toric Contact Lenses?

Toric contact lenses are specially designed to correct astigmatism. The term “toric lens” derives from their unique shape – a torus, resembling a ring or a slice of the side of this ring. This design allows for different focusing powers on the vertical and horizontal orientations of the lens. On a prescription, toric lenses are indicated by a cylinder (CYL) value, specifying the lens power needed for astigmatism correction, and an axis (AX) value, indicating the orientation of the lens.

How Do Toric Contact Lenses Work?

Toric lenses must sit on the eye in a specific orientation. They are engineered with thicker or heavier zones to ensure they maintain the correct position on the eye, enabling them to self-correct and stay in place. The central axis of these lenses ensures clarity of vision. If the lenses shift and cause blurriness, rewetting drops can help reposition them. Consistent misalignment may indicate a need for re-fitting.

Benefits of Toric Contact Lenses

Benefits of Toric Contact Lenses

Toric lenses are crucial for individuals with astigmatism, providing:

  1. Clear and Accurate Vision Correction: Tailored to address the specific curvature and refractive errors of astigmatism.

  2. Comfort: Modern toric lenses are designed for optimal comfort and stability.

  3. Diverse Options: Available in various modalities, including daily disposables and colored lenses.

Choosing the Right Toric Contact Lenses

Selecting suitable toric lenses involves a comprehensive eye examination to determine the precise prescription. Understanding the wide range of brands and types available can help in making an informed choice that suits your lifestyle and vision needs.

Care and Maintenance of Toric Contact Lenses

Care and Maintenance of Toric Contact Lenses

Proper care and maintenance are essential for the effectiveness and longevity of toric lenses. Regular cleaning, proper storage, and adherence to good hygiene practices are crucial to prevent eye infections and ensure lens comfort.

Are there Color Contact Lenses for Astigmatism?

Certainly, for color lenses they are available usually in stock in dailiy formats, though color selection is often limited to 'everyday natural' designs. More creative designs and colors are available in yearly formats, which are often made to order (takes ~3 weeks) depending on the manufacturer.


Toric contact lenses offer a specialized solution for those with astigmatism, ensuring clear vision and comfort. Consult with an eye care professional for a tailored prescription and lens fitting.

Discover the right toric contact lenses for your needs at EyeCandys – your vision, our mission.

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